Wednesday, October 15, 2014

My Thoughts on Batman

As many of my close friends know, I'm a big fan of Batman. I own comic books, t-shirts, lunch boxes, movies, video games, underwear, a mask, a drawing, and coffee mugs that all commemorate the Dark Knight. It started off a few years ago with a couple birthday gifts from my mom, and now it's starting to become a legitimate collection.

First of all, Batman is the coolest super hero of all time. Let's start by discussing his super powers... Oh wait, that's right! He doesn't have one!! He's just super rich and has all these cool gadgets. The idea of a man who is really no different than the average joe fighting crime is a fascinating one. It makes losers like myself hope that one day, we can be badasses, fighting crimes by the cover of night. Batman represents everything that a good, generic person wishes (s)he could be.

One thing that I don't mention much is why I collect paraphernalia that represents Bruce. It's because of my mom. The reason she first started buying me stuff was because when I was a toddler, I had this batman action figure that I could not be separated with. It's because of this 'terrible-two'-toy that my mom started buying me stuff: she thought my obsession with Mr. Wayne extended to my teenage angst years. Spoiler alert: it didn't. But I welcomed the gifts with open arms because the smile my mom gets when she reflects on how I was at that age is absolutely breathtaking.

So I started collecting stuff. I started buying stuff on my own. And I will admit - I do love batman, and I love have a developing collection of batman toys. But the reason I love it is because it makes me think of Deb, and how happy she gets remembering my innocence. An innocence that Batman attempts to preserve.

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